The student paper of the University of Duisburg-Essen has been coming out every month since May 2018 on a larger scale. With 8 sections and 8 different formats, the new Akduell layout gives a lot of free space for editorial work. The 20 pages in Berlin newspaper format offer enough room for a double cover, in which various artists and illustrators may comment or add to the focus theme in their own way.
The fonts show a strong contrast: the headline, logo and info boxes in »Aperçu« have a reduced and smooth look, and the »Ergilo« used as a modern Renaissance-Antiqua for the text is harsher and more edged. This contrast is mirrored in the layout between the headers and the stories, info boxes as well as formats.
Corporate Design, Typography
Logo redesign, layout, layout templates
Concept: Alexander Bönninger
Realization: Alexander Bönninger
Production of each copy: Akduell editorial team