Exhibition of the design department of the Folkwang University of the Arts
How do our works change in a public space? And how do our works change the public space?
That is what we wanted to discover with POP UP, the student exhibition of the design department of the Folkwang University of the Arts. The university didn’t have the necessary room space for this project, so we went on the hunt in the city center of Essen. We wanted to find a space which isn’t associated with art. After a long time and extensive researches, we decided on the Viehoferstr. 36. We renovated the building for our 4-day-exhibition. We showed already existing works, but also new projects linked to the space. Before the event, we were shooting in the dark, but it turned out to be a fantastic event, created by a lot of students and which brought in a surprising number of visitors. We managed to be taken into consideration in the city center of Essen and to present our works in a really rugged but also honest environment.
Corporate Design, Typography, Poster
Logo, poster, flyer, website, conception in the space, conception in the environnement
Concept: Verena Hahn, Alexander Bönninger, Bessie Normand
Realization: Verena Hahn, Bessie Normand, Sophie Meuresch, Carina Letzas, Dimitrij Haak, Simon Wunder, Alexander Bönninger,
Summer semester 2015 Folkwang University of the Arts